Friday, November 7, 2008

The Obama Presidency

Well, it seems that the people have spoken. Although I am not comfortable with Mr. Obama as our Big Chief, I of course will support him and our country as any one that loves our home land should. But I also feel that it will be virtually impossible for Obama to live up to the hype that has been placed at his door. Every one seems to think that he will wave his magical hand, smile with those pearly whites, make another eloquent speech, and all of our problems will be solved. But then again, any one with any common sense knows that this will just not happen.
I think it is fascinating that so many people of color turned out to vote for their man. I ask myself; how many of those first time voters actually listened to a speech or even have a clue of why they were voting for Mr. Obama? other than for the color of his skin.
I truly hope that Mr. Obama will live up to the hype. Maybe he will be a great President. Or maybe because of his lack of experience in these times of crisis, he will fail miserably and cause more trouble than this Country can bear. Mr. Obama takes over as our Chief right smack in the middle of one the worst crisis that this country has ever seen. Next to an all out world war, we could not get much worse. Is he prepared to fight a 2 front war? He has already acknowledged that he can put no time line on troop withdrawals from Iraq. Can he really help the middle class while taxing and fining successful businesses to the brink of bankruptcy? How can even more taxes during a recession possibly bring about any change for the good?
No Mr. Obama, I do not think you will live up to the hype. The self created hype.
I personally do not think that any of your promises will ever come to bear fruit.
But I do have some predictions for the next 2 years.

1. Mr. Obama will be white headed before the middle of his term.

2. Michelle will gain 35 pounds.

3. The Middle East will be in complete chaos with Ahmadinejad leading the charge.

4. Diplomatic ties with Israel will be in tatters.

5. The price of a barrel of crude oil will be $185.00 per barrel.

6. Many big businesses will move out of the reach of Obama's taxes.

7. The National deficit will double.

8. At least 2 major terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.

9. We will be on the brink of an all out war with pakistan.

10 Not one positive "change" that any one will be able to put a finger on that is a direct result of Obama's policies.

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